Ethics Policy

At, we uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity and ethical reporting. Our entertainment platforms are committed to avoiding personal attacks against individuals or companies within the industries we cover, as well as against our colleagues in the field. We emphasize impartiality, especially when reporting on sensitive subjects.

In compliance with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, our approach to video game reviews is transparent and informative. We clearly state the platform on which a game was played and disclose the source of the game copy, should one be provided. Additionally, we take into account any regional or platform-specific factors that might affect the gaming experience. Our disclaimers and disclosures are always clear and easily noticeable.

We maintain a strict separation between those who preview and those who review. For instance, if a writer is invited to a set visit or a junket, they will not be assigned to review that particular film, TV show, or game. This separation ensures that our editorial content and criticism remain objective, unaffected by studio access, relationships, or our monetization strategies. This practice is integral to providing our readers with unbiased, trustworthy content.

At, we are committed to maintaining the integrity of our content and respecting the work of others in the online publishing landscape. We adhere to the best practices in journalism, ensuring that all sources are appropriately credited.

Acknowledging Original Sources:

  • For content such as press releases or assets received directly from official studio sources or their public relations affiliates, we ensure that these are acknowledged as per industry standards.
  • In cases where we use materials like images or non-official artwork that do not originate from official sources, we not only credit the original artist but also make an effort to obtain their written permission for the use of their work.

Handling Spoilers with Care:

  • We are fully committed to respecting embargo agreements for previews and reviews. This commitment extends to handling spoilers responsibly.
  • We avoid including major or sensitive spoilers in headlines and images, especially during the initial release phase, to protect our readers from unintended exposure.
  • In cases where spoiler-laden content is necessary, we ensure that a clear spoiler warning is prominently displayed at the beginning of the article.
  • Our goal is not to detract from the entertainment experience of our audience but to cater to those actively seeking out such content.

For updates, corrections, or inquiries regarding our content, please reach out to us at editor[at] Our dedication to ethical journalism and respect for our readers’ experience remains unwavering.