
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy and Enforcement

In accordance with the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), our policy is to respond promptly to valid claims of copyright infringement. Full details of the DMCA can be accessed at the U.S. Copyright Office’s website,

We expect all users of to adhere strictly to copyright laws. Upon receiving a properly filed infringement notification, our course of action includes removing or disabling access to the allegedly infringing content. We may also terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in compliance with United States law or other relevant legal jurisdictions.

In instances where we take action to remove or disable content, we will make a concerted effort to contact the content’s originator, enabling them to submit a counter-notification as outlined in Sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the DMCA. Additionally, we maintain records of infringement notices and our subsequent actions.

DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement Procedure for SeasonRant

SeasonRant adheres to the procedures outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) upon receiving properly documented claims of copyright infringement.

To report an infringement on SeasonRant, you must provide a formal written notice (via email, fax, or postal mail) containing the details specified below:

Please be aware that if you falsely claim an infringement, you may be held responsible for damages (including costs and attorney’s fees). If you are unsure about your copyright ownership or if the law protects your material, consider consulting a legal professional.

Your notice should be formatted as follows for efficient processing:

  1. Include your contact details: name, address, phone number, and email address if available.
  2. State: “I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the following copyrighted material.”
  3. Provide a detailed description of the copyrighted content you believe has been infringed. For example, “The infringed content is ‘Content Title’, described as ‘Description: literary work, image, etc.’, authored by ‘Author’s Name’, with any applicable federal registration details.”
  4. Identify the allegedly infringing material and its location on, providing sufficient detail for to locate it (e.g., “‘Title of Article’ located at”).
  5. Declare: “I believe in good faith that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.”
  6. Assert: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate.”
  7. Sign the document.

Send your written notification to’s designated Copyright Agent for DMCA Notices via email, fax, or postal mail.

Counter Notification Procedure under the DMCA for SeasonRant

If you are the provider of content that has been removed from SeasonRant due to an alleged copyright infringement, you have the right to submit a counter notification under sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

To submit a counter notification to SeasonRant , you must provide a written communication via regular mail (email is not accepted unless previously agreed upon in writing). Please be aware that you may be liable for damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, if you misrepresent that a product or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others. If you are uncertain about the copyright status of a material, it is recommended to consult an attorney first.

For efficient processing of your counter notification, please include the following information, organized by section number:

  1. Identify the specific material that was removed or disabled, and the location where it appeared before removal or disabling.
  2. Provide your contact details: name, address, telephone number, and an email address if available.
  3. Include the statement: “I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the [insert the federal judicial district in which your address is located].”
  4. State: “I will accept service of process from [insert the name of the person who submitted the infringement notification] or his/her agent.”
  5. Declare: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.”
  6. Sign the document.

Please send your counter notification to the designated Copyright Agent of SeasonRant by regular mail. Email and fax submissions are only accepted under prior written agreement.

Upon receiving a valid counter-notification, SeasonRant will promptly forward a copy of the counter-notification to the individual who provided the original claim of infringement. SeasonRant will also inform this individual that the previously removed material will be restored or access to it will be reinstated within 10 business days. The material in question will be replaced, or access to it will be restored on SeasonRant not earlier than 10 days and not later than 14 business days after receiving the counter-notification unless SeasonRant’s Designated Agent receives notice that the individual who submitted the original infringement notification has sought a court order to prevent further infringement of the material on SeasonRant’s system or network.

Policy on Repeat Infringers

Consistent with Section 512(i)(1)(A) of the DMCA, SeasonRant adopts a policy of disabling and/or terminating the accounts of contributors who are identified as repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances.